Apartments in Albert Lea
Information provided is a public directory only; not any form of advertisement of availability or service.
This contact info is provided for inquiries about rental availability.
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, but not guaranteed.
If you notice a mistake, outdated information, or would like your information added or removed from this list, please contact us at and we will correct it.
Northstar Apartments
Bella Apartments
Colstrup Apartments
503 Hills Lane
Albert Lea, MN 56007
Dennis & Carol Colstrup
Unique Apartments
Gray Gables Apartments
The Don Apts on Park Ave
Landmark Apartments
Cityview Apartments
Pickeral Park Townhomes
Woodland Hills
Hilltop Apartments
College St. Apartments
206 & 208 College St. W.
Albert Lea, MN 56007
Susan Olson
Colonial Townhomes
Schoolhouse Apartments
Fountain Lake Estates
1702, 1704 & 1708 Sunset St.
Albert Lea, MN 56007
Crystal Hoiseth
Shady Oaks & Albert Lea HRA
The Lofts at Lea Center
Washington Ave. Apartments
Northbridge Apartments
Court Royal Apartments
Fairview Apartments
Stevens St. Apartments
Luther Place Apartments
Wedgewood Cove Townhomes
9th St. West
(Wedgewood Cove Golf Course)
Albert Lea, MN 56007
Tarrymore Apartments
314-322 3rd St. E. & 311 4th St. E
Albert Lea, MN 56007
Mike Carstens
A-Lea Apartments
909 Janson St. (& Front St.)
Albert Lea, MN 56007
Rodney & Sandra Serdahl
1215 St. John Apartments
Stadheim Apartments
Alcove Apartments
706 Alcove St.
Albert Lea, MN 56007
Ron Hanson